Wednesday 20 June 2012

Teeth Whitening Treatment

The tooth whitening can lighten the color of teeth. Various factors influence the color of teeth: original color, lifestyle (drinking coffee or tea, tobacco) taking certain medications, aging.
Laundering "the chair" to lighten the color of the email and dentin due to the use of a whitening gel, whitening treatment is painless and effective immediately.


Before beginning a whitening treatment , the practitioner will assess the results Oral, and we will check that there are no indications to treatment against: caries, periodontal diseases.
After this examination, it will confirm if this method is well suited you.
A careful scaling will be performed before the bleaching treatment.


The practitioner performs the shade selection with the patient, then the gum and protects the sensitive tissues of the mouth so as not disengage the teeth and applies a whitening gel is hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide) on the teeth of upper and lower jaws.
This is the technique of teeth whitening fastest , most products are concentrated and often an active ultraviolet lamp. The session lasts half an hour to an hour.
The result is immediate but may be different from one patient to another. Its longevity will depend on your lifestyle (reduced dark drinks, nicotine, ...).

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